“J-Simple Recipes” is the abbreviation for “Japanese Simple Recipes.”
We explain Japanese recipes you can easily cook, as well as typical meals, foodstuffs and table manners.

J-Simple Recipes title
home > japanese/int'l. recipes > meat recipes > chicken in sake lees mixture (reused sake lees mixture from Cucumber Pickled in Sake Lees)

chicken in sake lees mixture (reused sake lees mixture from Cucumber Pickled in Sake Lees)

Chicken in Sake Lees (reused sake lees mixture from Cucumber Pickled in Sake Lees)


Step 1

step 1:

Put the chicken in a container. Spread half of the sake lees mixture (from Cucumber Pickled in Sake Lees) over one side of the chicken.

Step 2

step 2:

Turn the chicken over and spread the remaining sake lees mixture over the opposite side. Cover with some plastic wrap and place the container in the refrigerator for half a day to 1 day.

Step 3

step 3:

Remove from the refrigerator and wipe lightly with a paper towel to remove any sake lees mixture. Sear the chicken about 5 minutes on medium heat skin side down. Sear the opposite side for about 3 minutes.

Toriniku no sake-kasu zuke


Sake lees mixture, which contains a lot of umami and nutrition, soaks into the chicken and makes it very delicious. Please be careful when cooking as the sake lees is easy to burn.


Int'l. recipes with a Japanese twist