steak bowl
- Serves: 2
- Calories: 947 kcal
- Total Time: 1 h 15 m
- Prep: 1 h 10 m
- Cook: 5 m
- Japanese: Sutēki-don

- u.s.
- metric

- 1 boneless steaks
- 1 garlic cloves
- 1/2 tablespoon butter
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce
- 1 tablespoon sake
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- a little salt
- a little pepper
- 1 serving steamed rice

step 1:
Slice the garlic. Sprinkle the salt and pepper on the steaks.

step 2:
Heat the salad oil in a frying pan over a low flame and sear the garlic. After it changes color, remove from the pan.

step 3:
Reduce heat and sear the steaks over a high flame in the same frying pan. Add the butter, sake, sugar and soy sauce and sear again.

step 4:
Remove the steaks from the pan and slice them across into about 1/2 in. strips.

step 5:
Place over the steamed rice and pour the sauce from the pan over the servings.

This dish is very simple. The flavor of the butter and the garlic is good and it suits the combination of the steak and the steamed rice.

Int'l. recipes with a Japanese twist
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