japanese style roast chicken
- Serves: 2
- Calories: 441 kcal
- Total Time: 3 h 20 m
- Prep: 35 m
- Cook: 2 h 45 m
- Japanese: Wafū rōsuto-chikin

- u.s.
- metric

- 14 ounces chicken thighs (with bone)
- 1/3 cup soy sauce
- a little salt
- a little pepper
- 6 ounces watercress
- 2 cherry tomatoes

step 1:
Stab both sides of the chicken thighs 4 to 6 times with a fork. Sprinkle the salt and pepper on both sides.

step 2:
Put the chicken thighs in a container. Pour the soy sauce over them. Let stand for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

step 3:
Preheat the oven to 390 °F. Bake in the oven at 390 °F for 40 minutes.

This dish is very simple. The taste of the soy sauce becomes mellow and makes the chicken very delicious.

Int'l. recipes with a Japanese twist
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