braised chicken & onion with red miso sauce
- Serves: 4
- Calories: 463 kcal
- Total Time: 20 m
- Prep: 5 m
- Cook: 15 m
- Japanese: Toriniku to tamanegi no aka-miso-ni

- metric
- u.s.

- 530 g chicken
- 430 g onions
- 3 tablespoons red miso
- 3 tablespoons sugar
- 60 ml water
- 1 tablespoon salad oil

step 1:
Peel the onions and cut in half. Cut each half into 2.5 cm-wide slices.

step 2:
Cut the chicken into bite-size pieces.

step 3:
Heat the salad oil in a pan and sear the chicken and onions for a couple of minutes on medium heat.

step 4:
Add the water, sugar and miso. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes on medium-low heat.

The sweetened red miso suits chicken and onion very well. This dish tastes milder flavored than it looks.

Int'l. recipes with a Japanese twist
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