boiled spinach with soy sauce
- Serves: 4
- Calories: 11 kcal
- Total Time: 15 m
- Prep: 5 m
- Cook: 10 m
- Japanese: Yude-hōrensō no shōyu-gake

- u.s.
- metric

- 7 ounces fresh spinach
- suitable amount soy sauce (about a teaspoon or less per serving)
- suitable amount bonito flakes or white sesame seeds (optional)

step 1:
Cut off the stems of the spinach and wash.

step 2:
Fill a medium-size pan with water. Bring to a boil and add the spinach.

step 3:
After boiling, drain the spinach, and immediately immerse in cold water to keep the green color.

step 4:
Drain the cold water from the spinach. Squeeze out any excess water with your hands. Cut the spinach into 1 in. long pieces.

Place the spinach on four small plates. If you like, sprinkle bonito flakes or white sesame seeds over the spinach, and pour the soy sauce over it.
This typical Japanese home cooking recipe is very easy to prepare. It is light and tasty.

Int'l. recipes with a Japanese twist
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