sauteed japanese radish & ground meat with curry powder
- Serves: 2
- Calories: 312 kcal
- Total Time: 10 m
- Prep: 5 m
- Cook: 5 m
- Japanese: Daikon to minchi no karē-itame

- metric
- u.s.

- 200 g japanese radish (daikon)
- 200 g ground pork or chicken
- 1/2 tablespoon curry powder
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce
- a little salt
- a little pepper
- 1 tablespoon salad oil

step 1:
Peel the Japanese radish and cut into 5 mm. wide slices. Cut them into 4 quarters.

step 2:
Heat the oil in a frying pan over a medium flame and add the Japanese radish (daikon) and ground meat. Sear until the Japanese radish becomes soft.

step 3:
Add the curry powder, soy sauce, salt and pepper. Mix and saute for 1 minute. Remove from the heat.

Curry and soy sauce fits very well with Japanese radish and ground meat. This delicious dish suits steamed rice very well.

Int'l. recipes with a Japanese twist
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