“J-Simple Recipes” is the abbreviation for “Japanese Simple Recipes.”
We explain Japanese recipes you can easily cook, as well as typical meals, foodstuffs & table manners.

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Kamaboko Chikuwa Naruto

Kamaboko, chikuwa and naruto are fish paste made from fish such as sea bream and codfish. Kamaboko and chikuwa are eaten with soy sauce and/or wasabi and are also used as an ingredient in some recipes. Kamaboko is included in osechi-ryoori, which is food eaten only on the first three days of the New Year. Chikuwa is famous in often used in oden. Naruto has a pink whirl pattern. It is used in Tokyo-style ramen, Kanto-style ozoni, etc.

Recipe – Kantō-Style Ozōni

Recipe – Simmered Hijiki