
glutinous rice

rice cakes

rice flour for dumplings

rice bran

Rice bran (komenuka) is the powder of brown rice's outer brown layers produced when polished rice is made from brown rice. Rice bran is used for making takuan (Japanese pickles), removing egumi (bitter taste) of bamboo shoot when boiling it and kneading into cookie dough.
unpolished rice

Unpolished rice (genmai) is rice which has had the outer husk removed but which retains the bran and germ layers. The color is brown, and it is commonly known as brown rice. Unpolished rice has a richer vitamin and dietary fiber content than polished rice and so is a very healthy food. However, it is important to choose unpolished rice which has been produced using either none or as few agricultural chemicals as possible. Also, it should be cooked in a pressure cooker or a rice cooker which has an available setting for unpolished rice.