“J-Simple Recipes” is the abbreviation for “Japanese Simple Recipes.”
We explain Japanese recipes you can easily cook, as well as typical meals, foodstuffs & table manners.

J-Simple Recipes title

Japanese Food Tips

Fruit Sandwiches (Furutsu Sando)

June 7, 2021

Our sandwich with strawberries & whipped cream recipe

Our sandwich with strawberries & whipped cream recipe

Shop's sandwich with strawberries & whipped cream

Shop's sandwich with strawberries & whipped cream

Shop's sandwich with fruit combo & whipped cream

Shop's sandwich with fruit combo & whipped cream

Sandwiches are usually made with meat, ham, vegetables and so on, and are of course commonly eaten in Japan. But in Japan, there is something called a fruit sandwich, often called furutsu sando in Japanese. Fruit sandwiches are made by sandwiching fruit with whipped cream on untoasted soft white bread. (Most Japanese breads are soft.) The standard fruit sandwich uses strawberries, but there are also fruit sandwiches made with kiwi, mango, banana, mandarin orange, and so on. The combination of fruit, cream, and bread has an unimaginable taste, and many fruit sandwiches have colorful and beautiful cross sections. It is amazing that fruit sandwiches were created in Japan around 1925. In Japan, they are often found in supermarkets and convenience stores. We have a few fruit sandwich recipes if you want to try making them.
