“J-Simple Recipes” is the abbreviation for “Japanese Simple Recipes.”
We explain Japanese recipes you can easily cook, as well as typical meals, foodstuffs & table manners.

J-Simple Recipes title

home > foodstuffs
Foodstuffs title
Napa Cabbage Asa-Zuke Cucumber Asa-Zuke Cabbage Asa-Zuke Radish Asa-Zuke Eggplant Asa-Zuke

Asa-zuke is a vegetable which has been pickled with salt and dried sea tangle (konbu)or has been soaked in pickle seasoning. Because pickle seasoning is sold at stores, asa-zuke can be made easily at home. Vegetables often used for asa-zuke are napa cabbage (Chinese cabbage), cucumber, cabbage, radish and eggplant.

Recipe – Pickled Cucumbers

Recipe – Pickled Japanese Radish