scallops & shimeji mushrooms seasoned rice

Scallops & Shimeji Mushrooms Seasoned Rice
Ingredients Ingredients


  • 10 ounces rice
  • 5 ounces scallops
  • 4 ounces package shimeji
  • mushrooms
  • 1 1/2 cups water water
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
Step 1

step 1:

Cut the scallops into 1/2 in. pieces.

Step 2

step 2:

Cut off the roots of the shimeji mushrooms.

Step 3

step 3:

Wash the rice. Add the water, scallops, shimeji mushrooms and soy sauce. Switch on the rice cooker. After cooking, stir the rice mixture.

Hotate to shimeji no takikomi-gohan


The umami of scallops and shimeji mushrooms is strong and this dish is delicious. Scallops contain a lot of nutrition such as taurine, vitamin B1, zinc, etc. Also, scallops are good for fighting fatigue and increasing the work of the heart, liver, etc. Because you can make this dish easily, please try it.