- u.s.
- metric
- 7 ounces all-purpose flour
- 1/3 ounce salt
- 3.04 ounces water (It is better to use water whose hardness is less than 100 mg/L - soft to moderately hard water.)
- suitable amount potato starch or flour

step 1:
Mix the salt and water together in a measuring cup. Put the flour in a big bowl and gradually add the salted water.

step 2:
Stir the flour mixture and knead well. (If the room temperature is too high or humidity too low or an air-conditioner or fan blows on the dough, you must add a small amount of water to prevent it becoming too dry.)

step 3:
Knead the dough several more times.

step 4:
Put into a plastic bag and keep at room temperature for 1 hour. Remove from the plastic bag. Dust the dough with potato starch or flour and also dust the board on which the dough will be placed.

step 5:
With a rolling pin, flatten out the dough into a square shape of 11 in. wide. Dust both sides with potato starch or flour.

step 6:
Hold the far side and fold it over 1/4. Hold the opposite side and fold it over 1/4.

step 7:
Then fold in half.

step 8:
Cut into 1/8 in. strips. Refer to “How to boil thick white noodles” for boiling details.