chicken sukiyaki

  • Serves: 4
  • Calories: 567 kcal
  • Total Time: 20 m
    • Prep: 10 m
    • Cook: 10 m
  • Japanese: Tori-sukiyaki
Chicken Sukiyaki


  • 14 ounces boneless chicken
  • thigh or breast
  • 1 block or 1 pound tofu
  • (grilled or firm)
  • 18 ounces onions
  • 4 eggs (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon salad oil
  • You can also add your favorite ingredients (e.g., mushrooms, long green onions, thread konnyaku).

warishita (sukiyaki sauce):

Step 1

step 1:

Cut the chicken into bite-size pieces.

Step 2

step 2:

Cut each tofu block in half lengthwise. Place knife halfway down the side of the block and slice across. Then cut each half across in thirds to make 12 bite-size pieces for each block.

Step 3

step 3:

Peel the onions and cut in half. Cut each onion half into 1 in. wide slices.

Step 4

step 4:

Arrange the chicken, onions, tofu and any other ingredients attractively in separate rows on one or more large platters.

Step 5

step 5:

Make the warishita (sukiyaki sauce). Boil the soy sauce, sugar, sweet sake for seasoning (mirin) and sea tangle soup stock or water for a couple of minutes on low heat. Pour into a bowl.

Step 6

step 6:

Put the oil in an electric pan, a pan or a frying pan and add about one-half of the chicken and fry 5 minutes. Pour in about one-half volume of the warishita (sukiyaki sauce). Add about one-half each of the onions, tofu and any other ingredients.

Step 7

step 7:

If using eggs (optional), crack each into separate serving bowls and beat lightly. The braised chicken and vegetables are dipped into the egg.


Let everyone start to help themselves to whatever they want. Then cook the remaining chicken and the vegetables in the same manner.


Sukiyaki is usually made with sliced beef, while sukiyaki using chicken is lighter. If slices of beef are hard to find, chicken is delicious enough.