“J-Simple Recipes” is the abbreviation for “Japanese Simple Recipes.”
We explain Japanese recipes you can easily cook, as well as typical meals, foodstuffs & table manners.

J-Simple Recipes title

Japanese Food Tips


January 7, 2019

Our Kanto-style sukiyaki

Our Kanto-style sukiyaki

Our Kansai-style sukiyaki

Our Kansai-style sukiyaki

Sukiyaki dipped into beaten raw egg

Sukiyaki dipped into beaten raw egg

Many people may know sukiyaki, which is the representative nabe (Japanese one-pot) dish of Japan. It is generally eaten at the New Year and at other special feasts. Sukiyaki is cooked in one pot at the table, and is eaten from the pot. The sukiyaki ingredients are mainly sliced beef, vegetables and tofu. The thickness for sliced beef is usually between about 1.8 and 2.5 mm. The taste is different depending on the beef. Sukiyaki using wagyu beef is especially very soft and rich. Matsusaka beef, Yonezawa beef, Kobe beef and Omi beef are said to be the highest quality among wagyu beef. There are also many expensive sukiyaki restaurants where it is served. The cooking method and seasoning are somewhat different depending on region and family. The two main classifications are Kanto style and Kansai style. Although slightly different, both styles have a soy sauce taste and are eaten by dipping the meat and vegetables into beaten raw egg. This may sound pretty unique, however dipping sukiyaki beef in beaten raw egg is wonderfully delicious for many Japanese. If you are in Japan, please try sukiyaki.
