salmon & green soybeans seasoned rice

Salmon & Green Soybeans Seasoned Rice
Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients


  • 280 g rice
  • 300 g or 3 fillets raw salmon
  • 200 g fresh green soybeans
  • (or frozen green soybeans)
  • 2 teaspoons salt (if use salty salmon, not necessary.)
  • a little salt (if using fresh green soybeans)
  • 240 ml water (for boiling soybeans)
  • 340 ml water
Step 1

step 1:

Wash the salmon. If using 300 g salmon, cut into 3 or 4 pieces. Sprinkle with salt.

Step 2

step 2:

If using frozen green soybeans, defrost them and remove the green beans from the pods.

Step 3

step 3:

If using fresh green soybeans, wash and drain them. Bring 240 ml of the water to a boil, and add the salt and green soybeans. Bring to a boil again, and boil for three to four minutes.

Step 4

step 4:

Drain the soybeans in a colander and remove the green beans from the pods.

Step 5

step 5:

Wash the rice. Add the remaining 340 ml of the water, salmon pieces and green soybeans. Switch on the rice cooker.

Step 6

step 6:

After cooking, wait 5 minutes before stirring the rice mixture.

Sake to edamame no takikomi-gohan


Even without using soup stock, the rice is delicious just with salmon and green soybeans, which are highly nutritious. Salmon contains protein, vitamins, etc., and green soybeans contain protein, dietary fiber, iron, vitamins B1, B2, C, etc. This dish is very easy, so please try it.