salmon & ginger seasoned rice

Salmon & Ginger Seasoned Rice
Ingredients Ingredients


  • 430 g rice
  • 400 g or 4 fillets raw salmon
  • 50 g ginger
  • 570 ml water
  • 2 teaspoons salt (not necessary if using salty salmon)
Step 1

step 1:

Wash the salmon. If using 400 g salmon, cut into 4 or 5 pieces. Sprinkle with the salt.

Step 2

step 2:

Cut the salmon into bite-size pieces.

Step 3

step 3:

Peel and cut the ginger into julienne slices.

Step 4

step 4:

Wash the rice. Add the water. Add the salmon pieces and ginger. Switch on the rice cooker.

Step 5

step 5:

After cooking, wait 5 minutes before stirring the rice mixture.

Sake to shōga no takikomi-gohan


Ginger suits the other ingredients and it becomes an accent. The salmon is low in fat and high in protein. Also, it contains astaxanthin and vitamin E which have an antioxidant effect. 
Ginger contains gingerol and shogaol which promote blood circulation and sweat. Both ingredients are very good for your health.
Because you can make this dish easily, please try it.