lightly pickled vegetables in sake lees mixture (reused sake lees mixture from Cucumber Pickled in Sake Lees)


step 1:

Slice the carrot and cucumber. Cut the Japanese white radish into bite-size pieces.

step 2:

Put the carrot, cucumber and Japanese white radish together with the salt in a plastic bag for food and close. Squeeze the bag. Put a 2 lit. Pet bottle of water over it and keep at room temperature for 3 to 4 hours.

step 3:

(3 to 4 hours later) Remove the vegetables from the bag and wipe the water off with a paper towel. Put the reused sake lees mixture (from Cucumber Pickled in Sake Lees ) and vegetables in a plastic bag for food and close the bag. Squeeze the bag. Place the bag in the refrigerator for 1 to 3 days.

(1 to 3 days later) Remove from the refrigerator. Take the vegetables out of the bag. (If you prefer, wipe lightly with a paper towel to remove any sake lees mixture or wash the vegetables to remove the sake lees mixture and wipe with a paper towel.)


Sake lees mixture which was used for Cucumber Pickled in Sake Lees is reused for this pickle recipe. This sake lees mixture contains a lot of nutrition and umami, the taste soaks into the vegetables and becomes delicious. This recipe can be eaten in one of three ways: with the sake lees mixture, or by wiping off the sake lees mixture lightly with a paper towel or by washing the vegetables and then wiping them with a paper towel.