hijiki rolled omelet


  • 4 eggs
  • 5 g dried hijiki
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons sugar
  • a little salt
  • 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1/2 tablespoon sake
  • a little salad oil
  • 120 ml water for soaking hijiki

step 1:

Soak the dried hijiki in the 120 ml of water in a bowl for 30 minutes. Remove and drain. Squeeze out any excess water with your hands.

step 2:

Beat the eggs. Add hijiki, sugar, salt, sake, soy sauce and mix. Heat a frying pan for 1 minute.

step 3:

Reduce to medium heat. Using a paper towel which has been soaked with salad oil, coat the surface of the frying pan.

step 4:

With a ladle, pour some of the egg mixture into the frying pan and tilt it so that it spreads evenly over the bottom. Puncture any air bubbles which form with chopsticks.

step 5:

When the surface is half cooked, pick up the far end with chopsticks and fold it over 2 times towards you.

step 6:

Return the folded egg back to the other side of the pan. Coat the surface of the pan not covered by the egg with salad oil.

step 7:

Pour 2 ladles of the egg mixture into the frying pan. Lift the edge of the cooked egg so that the raw egg mixture flows under it. Puncture any air bubbles which form with chopsticks. Cook until half done (1 to 2 minutes).

step 8:

Hold the far end with chopsticks and fold it over once towards you.

step 9:

Repeat Step 6, this time pouring in the remaining egg mixture. Repeat Step 7 and Step 8.

step 10:

When cooked, adjust the shape with a spatula.


This dish has no smell of hijiki. It is very healthy and delicious.